A Notice To Our Minnesota Customers

Minnesota Law HF-157 strictly regulates the sale of coins and bullion to Minnesota residents. It allows us numismatic and bullion sales of $25,000 to Minnesota residents from July 1st to June 30th of the following year without obtaining a special license. The application process is extremely onerous. While we love doing business with Minnesotans, we simply do not do enough business in the state to justify obtaining this license. That being said, we closely monitor our sales in Minnesota. We will do business up the point our sales reach $24,000 for the fiscal year. Then we must, unfortunately, cancel any coin or bullion sales for the remainder of the fiscal year when our quota resets. We apologize for the ridiculousness of this business practice, but we can find no better alternative. We encourage you to let your lawmakers know how Law HF-157 affects you.

Precious Metal Prices
Gold -- --
Silver -- --
Platinum -- --
Palladium -- --